Sunday, August 28, 2016

Get to Know Me-First Week of School

I needed a few more decorations for my classroom so my cousin suggested this:  On the first day of school I passed out canvas and brushes to the kids. I only passed out the colors of paint that matched my classroom. They all enjoyed painting and it gave me a chance to get to know them (who was serious, silly, wild, etc.) before planning a seating chart or going over class rules. 

They are proud to see their artwork decorating my room. 

We also had fun with the more traditional get to you know activities.  This is a good way to see who has difficulty with spelling and following directions, while learning about my new students.  

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Green Tea, HIM, and Special Ed. Introduction

Green Tea-I wanted a new blog title to go with my new position in elementary. We face a lot of challenges as teachers and need to find strength daily, hourly, often by the minute. I am a green tea drinker and I have an electric teapot in my classroom. Sipping on warm green tea gives my voice strength and energizes my body.  I cannot drink coffee (I do miss iced coffee) and I try to avoid sugary drinks. After suffering with chronic health problems two years ago it was discovered I can't have wheat of any kind. I got better after eliminating wheat but it left me sensitive to dairy, raw veggies and coffee. I have always liked green tea so that is my go to drink-hot, cold, steamy, iced, I buy it by the case on Amazon (TAZO ZEN is my current favorite). 

Him - As a Christian,  I can get strength from God' word at any time and in any situation.  I can start my day with bible reading and prayer and listen to my bible on the way to school or as I get ready for work.  I can pray for my students and my co workers. No matter how difficult a situation is, I can remind myself that HE has a purpose and a plan for each trial in my classroom. 

Special Ed. I chose this career because I wanted to be a teacher so I could have the same schedule as my kids and have my summers off.  As a child I was always fascinated by seeing kids go to the resource classroom.  I remember noticing the resource room and thinking how nice it was that kids who were struggling had a place to go to get extra help on their school work. I grew up in California and I don't think I had heard the term special education as a child. I only remember some kids going to the resource room and having students with disabilities in the general ed. classroom working side by side with the rest of us. I have always wanted to help students like those I saw entering that room on my elementary campus. In special education we often have the same students for several years in a row so it is especially important to gain trust with them and their families.  They are mine and I have the overwhelming responsibility to be a good example to them.
My favorite saying I saw on a marque in town and never forgot is:  Our Youth Need Models, Not Critics. I do believe this is the truth. 

New Special Education Blog

Psalm 119:2 Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart

Thanks for checking out my new special education blog! This is my twelfth year as a special education teacher. I taught high school for eleven years and this year I am teaching elementary. I am not a fancy blogger but I will be sharing the weekly activities that go on in my special education classroom. I teach at a small school so we have a resource/self. contained classroom. I am the only special education teacher for grades 4-6 regardless of their disability or severity.  I teach at a public school in a low income,  rural town. Our entire population k-12 is under 700 students. 
My new room was an adjustment because it is one of the oldest in the school. People have told me fifty years ago it was part of the cafeteria. I had fun decorating it and working to make it a cheerful place for my students. This little nook is the best feature in my room. To the left of the tables are the student tubs (they are actually called art portfolios). Each student goes and gets their tub as they enter the classroom. 

I couldn't resist the Scholastic class quiz when it went on sale in the spring. This is my first year in elementary and I have never used a pocket chart before (:  

I have used this sign and re-purposed it several times. It is a piece of foam board from the hardware store. Since it is light weight it is EASY to take home and redecorate. I hang it with Command Strips (I think I hang everything with them). We have two desktop computers, two laptops and about ten IPADS.

See that polk dotted door? That is a closet! I have never had a closet in my classroom before and I am loving it. 

Each student two desks so they have a place to put their tub which contains their supplies for my room only ( journal, pencils, etc.).  If you look close the guy on the left has his feet on a BENDY BAND. These have been very helpful for my ADHD kids and most general ed. teachers are using them, too.  I ordered mine off Amazon and need to buy a couple more. I don't even put the blue cup on the bottom on them because our chairs are big enough that the band alone stays in place.  LIFESAVER!!! 

This second polka-dotted door goes to a neighboring classroom. We are lucky to have a room to share (through the open door) that has a restroom for kids, copier, and washer and dryer. I thought it was odd having a washer and dryer but I have already had to use it several times and we have only been in school for a week.
 See how the walls are split behind the cabinet? That is where they used to slide in a table back in the cafeteria days. I had to position the cabinets to block it because it would have made a fun hiding spot for my kiddos!

 I read about using a handyman's rolling seat to roll from seat to seat when helping students. See it there-bright red? Most of the time it hides nicely underneath my desk (my desk is huge) to keep the kids off of it,  but it is a very comfortable way to lean over and help students. I got mine at Harbor Freight.

Thanks for checking out my new blog! I will posting our first week of school activities this afternoon :)