Saturday, August 27, 2016

Green Tea, HIM, and Special Ed. Introduction

Green Tea-I wanted a new blog title to go with my new position in elementary. We face a lot of challenges as teachers and need to find strength daily, hourly, often by the minute. I am a green tea drinker and I have an electric teapot in my classroom. Sipping on warm green tea gives my voice strength and energizes my body.  I cannot drink coffee (I do miss iced coffee) and I try to avoid sugary drinks. After suffering with chronic health problems two years ago it was discovered I can't have wheat of any kind. I got better after eliminating wheat but it left me sensitive to dairy, raw veggies and coffee. I have always liked green tea so that is my go to drink-hot, cold, steamy, iced, I buy it by the case on Amazon (TAZO ZEN is my current favorite). 

Him - As a Christian,  I can get strength from God' word at any time and in any situation.  I can start my day with bible reading and prayer and listen to my bible on the way to school or as I get ready for work.  I can pray for my students and my co workers. No matter how difficult a situation is, I can remind myself that HE has a purpose and a plan for each trial in my classroom. 

Special Ed. I chose this career because I wanted to be a teacher so I could have the same schedule as my kids and have my summers off.  As a child I was always fascinated by seeing kids go to the resource classroom.  I remember noticing the resource room and thinking how nice it was that kids who were struggling had a place to go to get extra help on their school work. I grew up in California and I don't think I had heard the term special education as a child. I only remember some kids going to the resource room and having students with disabilities in the general ed. classroom working side by side with the rest of us. I have always wanted to help students like those I saw entering that room on my elementary campus. In special education we often have the same students for several years in a row so it is especially important to gain trust with them and their families.  They are mine and I have the overwhelming responsibility to be a good example to them.
My favorite saying I saw on a marque in town and never forgot is:  Our Youth Need Models, Not Critics. I do believe this is the truth. 

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